Birthday Self-Care Resolutions


We all inevitably get caught up in our routines. We wake up, we work, we check off our lists, we eat, we sleep, and we repeat the cycle. Our wants and needs often take the back burner to more practical and pressing matters.

I've recently read that "self-care is the new health care." A solid self-care routine is not only good for the body—it’s emotionally and spiritually restorative.  It's about purpose and fulfillment in the little things—or, as my blog mantra, puts it, "the sweet touches to everyday experiences."

You are the most important investment for a healthy and meaningful life. And just because we choose to focus on our own fulfillment does not mean we are selfish, either. 

As I gear up for my 26th birthday, I am committing to an upgraded season of self-care across multiple categories. I'm taking my skincare regimen more seriously thanks to La Bella Skin Bar; I'm refocusing my financial plan; I'm prioritizing experience; I'm maintaining a healthful diet and exercise lifestyle. Get the details on my resolutions below, and feel free to share any advice or personal experiences with self-care practice. I'd love to hear your perspectives.

Photos by Christen Jones


Upon meeting esthetician Maria Miller at La Bella Skin Bar for an initial consult, I pointed out that, despite feel-good results, my quarterly facials weren't working. I still had breakouts, my fine lines from my double-row grin were becoming more obvious, and my combination-skin tendencies drove me crazy during the afternoon hours of the workday. Her response was brilliant: "Your current routine is like going to a personal trainer once a month, not working out in between, and expecting you to lose weight or build muscle. You have to take your skincare more seriously."

So I did. I've committed to a routine that incorporates skincare treatment with at-home products by Dr. Dennis Gross, available at La Bella Skin Bar. So long, Target aisle Neutrogena. I'm ready to invest in products proven to improve my skin's long-term health.

I first received an Intraceuticals Topical Hyperbaric Oxygen Facial with a system that uses therapeutic oxygen under hyperbaric pressure to infuse a special serum of modified hyaluronic acid, essential vitamins, botanicals, antioxidants and amino peptides into my skin. I was glowing—I feel like I'm still glowing!


Financial self-care is real. I believe budgeting is considerably about mentality, too—a budget does not need to be considered solely restrictive, but rather a roadmap for investing in the right areas that fulfill you and meet your needs. After accounting for savings and philanthropy, everyone has different priorities for the spending bucket; as a food blogger, I have to prioritize my budget in order to try the trendy new restaurant at will or gather the highest quality of ingredients for recipe development. Therefore, the $20 drop-in workout classes do not fit in. And that's okay. A run on the river with Sawyer or an affordable neighborhood gym membership gives me the outlet to sweat and sculpt just fine.

Perhaps my Instagram story inspired this category, but have y'all seen this bamboo bath caddy?! I'm not one to sit still for long periods of time, but this new bath addition has allowed me to read, even write, drink sparkling water or a glass of wine, all with ease. Light a candle, turn on Spotify, and spend twenty minutes to yourself before bed. It's a transformative habit, no matter the workload awaiting you in the morning.

I like to treat each birthday as a chance to take stock of what’s working in my life, outwardly and inwardly, and hit the "reset" button by incorporating a few new habits. For example, as an early bird, I like to make the most of my mornings. While I fill Sawyer's water bowl, I now make myself drink a full glass of water before hitting the power button on my Keurig. I also am incorporating collagen and other protein supplements into my morning smoothies. I've fallen in love with purely elizabeth granola as a gluten-free, all-natural additive to the smoothie itself or a bowl of nonfat yogurt. I take Sawyer on an extra long walk on the bluff to take in the clean, fresh air of spring. I sit with Alex for ten minutes before he walks out the door to discuss our day ahead.


Self-care is key to living with confidence and fulfillment and being the best friend, colleague, and wife I can be. Here's to 26!


This post is brought to you by La Bella Skin Bar. Thank you for being supportive of my sponsors!