Full from NYC, Hungry for Writing

For the past three weeks, I experienced some cravings, as any food-obsessive gal would expect. First, it was adventure. I managed to push through four extremely demanding work weeks before heading to exciting destinations, each with a culinary-crafted bucket list in hand. The list of Caramelized Critiques drafts has never been so lengthy. Oy.


Then, it was the gin with tonic and cucumber. I sought the cocktail refresher at Terranea in Los Angeles, Madison Rooftop in Memphis, and Girl and the Goat in Chicago. Don't worry, I only ordered one at each spot.

Then, it was avocado toast. I enjoyed that one at St. Roch Market in New Orleans and The Smith in New York City.


But now, on this beautiful Monday afternoon in July, I realized what I was genuinely hungry for: writing. My everyday commitments have indirectly pushed my true passion of recreational writing to the bottom of the list. Or I guess I have just been too busy eating...?

I aim to sit down with a cup of coffee tonight, tomorrow, and Wednesday to share the nationwide delicacies I have savored this past month. Maybe it'll serve as a form of a diet -- writing about food instead of eating it? Stay tuned for so many restaurants and recipes in so little time. I won't let you down.
