Homemade Herbed Ricotta

And we're back...with the perfect accompaniment for yesterday's rosemary parmesan crackers! I know you're thinking, "Geez, Cara...homemade cheese? Is that really necessary?"
Yes. Yes it is.
The process for ricotta takes maybe 20 minutes total. The recipe is simple and the taste will make you second guess any store-bought version. If you're not up for it in time for your New Years party, put this on your resolutions list: "MAKE HOMEMADE CHEESE."
While I'm not celebrating Christmas, I am looking forward to a relaxing evening with my family at home. We head out to sunny Los Angeles bright and early. I can't wait to share some of my favorite moments while I'm there. Happy holidays, ladies and gentleman!
homemade herbed ricotta

Makes approximately 2 cups
1 cup heavy cream
4 cups whole milk
3 tablespoons lemon juice
1 teaspoon kosher salt
Black pepper
1 tablespoon fresh dill, chopped
2 scallions, chopped
1. Dampen two layers of cheesecloth and place tightly over a fine sieve. Place sieve in a large bowl.

2. In a saucepan over medium-high heat, bring the milk, cream and salt to a rolling boil. Reduce heat to a simmer and immediately add lemon juice. Stirring constantly, simmer for 2 minutes, as mixture curdles. (Curdling may appear subtle, but if you touch the mixture, it should feel like soft clumps between your fingers.)

3. Slowly pour mixture through the cheesecloth. Allow to drain for 12-25 minutes, depending on whether you like your ricotta creamier or drier. Once it has reached your desired consistency, transfer ricotta to a bowl, cover tightly with plastic wrap, and chill for about an hour in the refrigerator.
4. Chop the dill and scallions. Add to the chilled ricotta, and season with freshly ground pepper, and stir until blended and creamy. Serve generously over freshly grilled bread or with rosemary parmesan crackers!
adapted from curly girl kitchen