Perfect Pairings for Dark Chocolate

IMG_5993 Have you ever had a chocolate addict moment? Ever needed an excuse to take a bite of dark chocolate, perhaps during a busy afternoon at work or for a longing midnight snack?

Well, I am now giving you permission to indulge. Ghirardelli epitomizes the ultimate luxury, especially its Intense Dark bar (with 72% cacao!) that I recently tried. The dark richness provides a satisfying indulgence -- and pairing it with a glass of La Crema pinot noir and tart raspberries accentuates the Ghirardelli flavor even more.


Besides chocolate, my other standard indulgence is treating myself to a glass of cabernet. I then figured, Why not put the two together?! The luxurious La Crema brand matches the premier Ghirardelli standard.

I added the raspberries to offset chocolate's sweetness with a subtle tartness. The juicy raspberries add a fresh pop of color and tang -- plus, berries are in season and ultimately have become my kitchen staples.


On that seasonal note, I am thrilled to be attending Austin's FOOD & WINE Festival for the first time this upcoming weekend with an infamous grand tasting of hundreds of restauranteurs, chefs and products, including Ghirardelli. The wine will be pouring (maybe La Crema?), Ghirardelli will be served, and sunny 90-degree weather will collectively create a perfect atmosphere!

What would you pair with your Ghirardelli Intense Dark chocolate? Please share in the comments, or upload your own pairing on Instagram using the hashtag #IntenseDark, like I have shared on my Instagram!


This post is in partnership with Ghirardelli. Thank you for being supportive of my sponsors!