Feeling Crabby

I'm feeling a bit crabby this morning. And, no, not because it's Monday (surprisingly!). I just came across the most fantastic, messy, and delicious dinner concept. Whether there are two of you or ten, all that's required is this past Sunday's newspaper, a hammer, wine, and a hunger for my most beloved crustacean: crab.


You'd be shocked at the deal your local grocery can give you on crab legs (we're talking a quarter of the price at a restaurant) and the relatively easy set-up and clean-up for family and friends. No dirty dishes! In fact, I just spooned some cocktail sauce and spicy mustard right on the newspaper "tablecloth"at my seat.

Last week in Watercolor, my adopted Fogelman family and I dined on these for almost an hour. We loved it so much, we're doing it again this week with more guests! And while I am not advocating ditching a burger cookout for Fourth of July, a crab cookout could be a perfectly seasonal alternative that actually requires sitting around a table for the entirety of the meal.

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset

I highly encourage this foolproof concept, especially during the upcoming month of July. You'll be feeling crabby soon enough!

top and featured image via katie evans