A creative rut: the topic that miraculously appeared on Camille Styles yesterday morning after a week of utter impediments: My to-do list got longer, my distractions got the best of me, and my time simply ran out. Here we are, one week from the retail world's official holiday season, and I am muddling through scribbles of ideas and unfinished business.
In the article, artist Alyson Fox writes:
"In a condensed form: It happens to everyone and just be grateful that you get to try over and over. It’s all part of the process. If you focus on being grateful for your ideas, passion and support in times of a block, it helps move things along. Advice I have given to fellow creatives and friends is this: eat good chocolate, write letters to significant people (not e-mails or texts), organize, purge and cook something new."
And then, I remember. I remind myself: I do not have to mimic the gorgeous pins in my Pinterest feed, nor do I have the capacity to do so. So instead, I will just embrace the grind and be grateful for the creative process. I'll embrace the late-night food prep work required just to squeeze time for a photograph by the window at 7 a.m. before work. I'll embrace the inspiration for my coveted future Caramelized office, which does not yet have a desk and currently involves a nightstand with a recycled kitchen chair. I'll (try to) embrace the notion that I cannot expect myself to execute every feat.
Enjoy your weekend; embrace the grind.
(featured image via local milk)