Edible Memphis - Caramelizing

Cara Greenstein_W5A4064 “Are you going to Caramelize that meal?” 

Time and time again, I’m asked how it all began. How “caramelized” became a verb for food writing instead of a culinary technique for…onions.

Like a recipe, the evolution of my food blog platform began three years ago with only two accountable ingredients: writing skills and a Kitchen Aid. I owe the first ingredient to both my father, whose rabbinical writing captivates even the most uninspired of souls, and my St. Mary’s high school English department, whose teachers meticulously instilled a balanced method of grammar and analytical learning. The Kitchen Aid, though it currently mismatches my townhome’s color palette, represented my first investment in a fulfilling and passionate niche of cooking.

I am not a graduate of cooking school, but I am a concierge of two contrasting yet aligning cities of old and new, innovative and historic. Austin, where my food-writing career began, is a laboratory of fast-paced, addictive creative and culinary production. The city introduced me to the vast field of dining and branding through a 150-member blogger alliance and an internship with lifestyle blogger Camille Styles. Memphis, where my food writing now evolves, invoked a challenge to re-energize my historic hometown with a new spin beyond barbecue and soul food. The city’s unmatched roots instill in me a force of motivation and innovation.

Read more of my story in the Winter Issue of Edible Memphis, available at the following locations:

387 Pantry 83 at Madison Hotel McEwen’s Cooper St 20/20 Church Health Center Whole Foods – Poplar Whole Foods – Germantown Lunchbox Eats Maximos on Broad City and State Curbside Casseroles Interim Restaurant Napa Café Memphis Botanic Garden All Public Libraries L’ecole Culinaire Renaissance Farms

Cara Greenstein_W5A4110 Cara Greenstein_W5A4204

Photos by Justin Fox Burks. Thanks again to Edible Memphis for the opportunity to share my story.