How to Picnic in Style


Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetWith Memorial Day around the corner and a summer forecast of sunny skies and abounding live music, picnicking presents the perfect opportunity to take advantage of the spirit of the season. I first got the summer picnic bug when perusing City & State (a typical weekend agenda item). A Yield field bag caught my eye. I debated the necessity for a brief moment and, next thing I knew, it was in my back car seat with an iced bon bon in the cup holder.

Friends, don’t debate the potential debacles of picnic prep and execution. If you feel the urge to be outside with a friend or four, grab what’s in your fridge, a few of the following accessories, and a bottle of wine or sparkling water. Make it a monthly outing with girlfriends. Make it a weekly ritual with your significant other. Brunch, sunset happy hour or evening dinner al fresco, you’ll be happy you did so.

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1. TREASURE THE TOTE Similar to the City & State stunner, a durable and stylish bag or basket is the key to elevating a picnic experience. Target's standard picnic basket is an undeniable classic; or you can go for a more modern shape with the Verona wicker basket from Nordstrom.

2. PACK THE GOODS Limit your menu to room-temp-friendly finger foods—grilled skewered vegetables, cheeses, sandwiches, lettuce wraps, mini mason jar salads, etc. Though forks are an appreciated option for guests, it’s simply worth holding off on the angel hair and messy entrées. My only exception to this rule is pie—because every picnic needs a good ‘ole fruit pie.

whole-foods-004Photo by Creation Studios

3. LAY THE FOUNDATION Bring along a large wood board as a multifunctional canvas for prep or final presentation. Chop garnishes, chop blocks of cheese, and use it as a serving platter for the main course and leveled foundation for grassy areas.

4. ROSÉ ALL DAY Don’t fret over the hot temperatures when toting white or rosé wines—A S'well bottle will keep your bottle chilled for the entirety of your picnic, if not longer.


Throwaway solutions are easy, yes, but why not step it up with copper tumblers? In the summer heat, these will impressively handle and maintain those just-shaken cocktails.

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