How I'm Rolling Into Summer with Roadshow BMW


Those who know me well know that I spend much time in the car. It’s silly to say considering my home-to-work commute is less than a tenth of a mile currently; but nonetheless, the pace and everyday commitments for family, dogs, work, Caramelized, and the greater Memphis community require me to be in the driver’s seat multiple times a day. I admittedly love driving, though. It offers me a sense of quiet, uninterrupted time to reflect, unwind or mentally prepare for my next destination. The dogs love it, too — they each find their space in the back-row dog hammock and take a snooze or watch the cars pass us by.

When it came to our next vehicle, a smaller SUV felt right. I sought room for photo shoot props and pups yet spatial efficiencies otherwise. Alex’s beloved 200,000-mile truck made me feel like I was driving an army tank, and I still have flashbacks from my 15-year-old driver training in my mom’s mile-long suburban. All I can say is — I can park anywhere thanks to that one.


When Roadshow BMW offered the opportunity to drive their newest X3 model, I leaped at the chance to try the luxury global brand that is beautifully integrated into our local community. Roadshow’s investment in Memphis is how I became introduced to General Manager Karen Lombardo Dawson. We’re fellow Scout Guide businesses, love live music at the Levitt Shell, and believe in giving back through various nonprofits around town. Genuine, lasting relationships are invaluable to me and Caramelized, and I learned the same (quickly) about Roadshow BMW, who celebrates 40 years as a small, locally-owned business this year.


Will Johnson was a fantastic sales representative at Roadshow. He completely disarmed the typical car salesman stereotype and took me through the process seamlessly. We laughed, we sped (safely and within speed limit, of course!) through Shelby Farms Park to test the car’s features, and we chatted “real talk” about car priorities and how they translate to our shared values. He was relatable and totally made me feel comfortable, considering I’m not as well-versed in car lingo as others might be.


Upon deciding on the X3 in dark graphite, which was ready to go on the lot, Karen and Will carried out the sales process with ease. Roadshow BMW’s finance manager Jermaine walked me through the contracts and introduced opportunities to keep my vehicle covered.

When Karen handed over the keys, I felt like I had joined a family. We toasted with Veuve to a beautiful year with BMW. I couldn’t be more grateful!
