My Registry Wishlist for Our Second Baby


The feeling that continues to define this second pregnancy is a funny case of Déjà vu — but that’s largely because I did just experience pregnancy and newborn stages with Hudson so recently! I guess that’s the benefit of two children fifteen months apart, right? Such has been the case when it comes to finalizing a registry, in which case many products from Hudson’s can be utilized and are already at home within reach.

Our home feels like a conveyer belt currently, where toys or gadgets or gear that Hudson outgrows are plopped upstairs, only to be brought back down again next month for his baby sister to use and (hopefully) love just as much.

When it came to determining registry items for Baby #2, I stuck to a couple of categories:

I’m here in the comments or on Instagram to answer more questions, and I’d love to hear if you think I’m missing anything!